Join Our ITT Partnership

Are you a school that wants to work with an exciting school-based teacher training provider?

If so, please contact us. Our aim is to increase and strengthen the recruitment of teachers to Suffolk. By being school based we have an extensive resource of past and present pupils, which we can tap into in order to promote the benefits and rewards of becoming a teacher.

We work with non-EAST and CET schools to provide a bespoke and supportive training experience for all our trainees.

It may be that you have someone in your school that you would like to put forward for one of our programmes or you would like to recruit a potential trainee to enhance teacher recruitment in your school.

We would be happy to discuss our programmes with you, and your specific requirements and / or situation. 


Interested in working with us?


Great! We are seeking school placements. Our placement structure provides the opportunity to support a trainee(s) with a Placement A or Placement B. We operate a sandwich placement structure, so for our full time trainees, ABA ( generally placement A runs from mid September to December, and then from the start of the summer term to the end of June. Placement B takes place during the spring term). Please note the structure differs for our part time trainees. To express an interest in placing a trainee, please complete the relevant form below, or contact us directly.

 Primary Trainee Placement Form for Schools 

Secondary Trainee Placement Form for Schools